Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Chris Clark appreciation

And it's not just the record... it's the HAIR!

CALIGULA... last friday

Was DJing with Theo Adams and Princess Julia who are both enviably lovely, gorgeous and talented. Played a bit of this...

And this... D I S C O ! Pics here

Wednesday, 15 July 2009


So Cockabilly's in Gay Times this month - from the night we did at Dalston Superstore. It's pages 18-19, just on the reverse of Margaret from The Apprentice. It's a bit small to make out here, so just go read it in Borders.

Strut, pout, put it out

Classical allusions with added shiny earrings.
He said, "Baby, what's wrong with you?
Why don't you use your imagination
Nations go to war over women like you,
it's just a form of appreciation...